Training Future Mariners and Preparing for Emergency Missions!

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The SALVAGE CHIEF is equipped with six 100 ton salvage winches installed below decks out of the weather. The forward three winches lead to 8,000 lb. or 12,000 lb. Eells anchors. The aft winches provide three towlines to the stranded vessel. The vessel hull has full lines forward and relatively shallow draft of 5-7 feet.  With it 5 Each, 250 KW Generators (Megawatt), allowing it to provide Emergency Power, it is an incredible asset for community emergency training and a resource for disasters.  With it Helicopter Deck and needed upgraded Communication package, it is truly a one of a kind vessel.

The ship berths 27 personnel, a creative group of welders, riggers, fitters, divers, and seamen, ready for immediate response.
The SALVAGE CHIEF is proven and highly successful. The vessel has an enviable record of refloating several hundred stranded vessels and has rendered assistance to many other vessels in various types of distress. It is one of the best equipped salvage ships and is manned with the finest crew. It is unique in the world with proven capabilities

The Salvage Chief (LSM380) Foundation is public benefit nonprofit corporation under the 501 (c) (3) IRS Tax codes.  The Foundation is qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devices, transfers, or gifts under Section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the IRS Code.

The Salvage Chief (LSM380) Foundation is a Domestic NONPROFIT Corporation in the State of Oregon, Registry Number 111360392, and is organized exclusively for charitable, educational, and historical purposes.

But Don’t take our word for its accomplishments, read the Maritime Executive to find out more!


Alternatively you may choose to contact us directly via our email address.